Friday, September 18, 2015


I Started playing Disc Golf about 2yrs ago.Sept 2013. At a place called Veterans park in Arlington,Texas.

About a year before i really got into it a friend of mine took me. his daughter Sara and a few others out to play, we were already at the park and so we started at hole 11, since it was close by.

I can honestly say that I had NO idea what i was doing! and that I had not heard of Disc Golf in my life, but gotta try new things. so we began. Hole 11 has trees on both sides of the throwing pad, (in the picture above it doesn't look near as bad as i first thought it to be)with a fork at the end. one the other side of the fork and further out is the Basket.

I manage to hit every tree one the way out past the fork in the path.It was hilarious....well to me at least. After the 4th throw  Sara shook her head and Orlando said "My son! The goal is NOT to hit the trees."
So my next throw guess what happened?

Yup straight up murdered that next tree.Eventually i got to the clearing and it got better but not by much.

So a year later I decided to try again. having bought some disc of my own and driving over to Vets.I began to teach myself how to play. and learn where all the holes are.(no maps)

Surprisingly i never lost a disc.after a while some of my friends found out what i was doing and joined in with me. plus i was all excited about my new adventure i would invite other friends to come play. We would go check out different parks in the area. One of my Favorites in Coyote in Cedar Hill. Actually Orlando took me out there one day after weeks of bugging him about it. but we didn't go to coyote that day there is actually 2 courses there. so we hit up Beaver."the easier" one...i beg to differ.
Anyways my friend TJ and I would venture out a few months later to coyote and have a blast doing it!

a good handful of friends would come and play with me but not really know what they were doing. i would teach them what i could and encourage them, with the way they threw, good throws or bad and it just takes practice. but your doing great.

Originally I had thought that i could go play in the parks and pray for the area and people. ha i even made a shirt that said FREE PRAYER. A lot of people who come and play drink beer and smoke pot the whole time.
The thought was to pray for anyone and anything. and it worked i got to do just that, while playing a game i love.
But it first originated with Orlando and his son in law Sammy .who had the idea to go to a park worship The LORD with all their musical instruments they would bring,play and pray. they had signs up that said FREE PRAYER.

I would play All Fall, Winter and spring....Summer is a different story.(but i play when i can)(mostly its just to hot)

In the Beginning I would throw "Safe throws" So that i could find my disc. In time i would stretch the boundaries of what "safe" is, but if it happened that i didn't know where the disc was after spending some time looking for it. I would casually ask Jesus where my disc was. He would help me for sure and the result was finding it every time.

Through this year though I stopped throwing "safe" and start throwing as far as i can get it out there and closest to the basket. Go All In!

Many many times i would have seen it go one way then curve back or not even see where it went. So i would ask Holy Spirit for help, Help me find my disc.

This is where it gets fun, He would say turn left, now right.walk straight,k go left. Stop! OK turn around and look near that tree. i'd circle the tree/bush, full circle and say where? look down or look up....ah there it is. Thanks Holy Spirit. Each time its different directions but half the time i think. 
ah wouldn't it be easier to just say go exactly to the spot without all these extra turns and twist?

haha Well sure it would be but that's not the point!
The point is to be in tune to what He is saying when He says it. not to jump ahead or get there before its time. To have a series of little adventures along the way. Its key to be able to hear specific instruction to get you where He wants you to go.

I've started to ask Him more and more and Trust His directions more and more.

It reminds me of when this actually really started for me.That was going to Quest at the beginning of the year. In quest there is an adventure part. and the day before i had picked out a spot where i though would be a great place to spend the day with The LORD, However the next day we were asked to not go where we wanted to go but ask where He wants to go and go there.

So I did just that and from the start He said walk straight ahead, so into the Morning day break sun i began to walk. having forgot my sunglasses i thought well ah I CANT SEE Anything! but keep going He said....Now stop and turn towards the left walk in between those 2 trees and follow the trail. Having had stopped where He said  it was the perfect spot the sun was no longer in my face and i could see again. followed the trail till its end. Then He said cross the river and go straight up the hill... now turn left.and a series of right and left turns to follow. then it was hike up this hill. stop and rest. OK go left then right up there. travel down the hill. at the bottom it was walk 30 paces. stopok now turn right and 15 paces more. at this point i had saw someone else and freaked out so i ran ahead a bit. only for Him to say turn around and go back X amount of steps... OK now go 15 again and stop. i was standing right behind another guy when the The LORD said run straight up that hill and stop at the top.. so i did and when i stopped. He said Welcome! here is the place.

2 things 
1) had i gone to my spot i would of never found out about all this other stuff in this area. 
2) I was directly above where i had wanted to go. over looking everything.

So was it Better?  YES!!!
did it take longer to get there? Maybe
did He lead you on an adventure? Absolutely!

I sometimes think that we as Believes tune into the Holy Spirit to get what we want or don't want but fail to tune into what we need!

or where He wants us to be... 

There is a time about a month ago. I threw my disc and saw exactly what bush it went into. when i got in it i didn't see it anywhere. so I asked and He directed but what He was saying didn't make sense to me. It was around sunset and getting dark. so i panicked and went frantically on a search. I heard what He said but couldn't see it. after about 30 mins and it was even darker I gave in and walk back to my truck. Feeling defeated. finally lost a disc. 

We throw and lose our disc and cry out for help! 
He comes to the rescue and gives us the instructions but when it does make sense we panic and do whatever we can to try and make up for it.
ultimately compromising the mission we had set out to do. and walk away feeling defeat and hurt. Spent countless hours running in circles looking for what we cant find in areas that is NO WHERE Near where it is.

and I'm not talking about a game. we do this with School. work. spouse, friends, life. ect...

If only we would simply just say Holy Spirit can you help me? then tune into hearing the directions, Then we can achieve what His goals are.

Life would be better when we listen for His Voice and follow His leading. Though it may not be easy. in fact a lot of the time its not... but It sure is worth it..

off hole 5 today i threw the sickest throw in a long time. hole five is on a hill and the basket is hard to find unless you know where it is.
my throw went exactly where the basket is but missed by 15ft.

when i went down almost to the bottom Holy Spirit says turn left. i missed it the first time but went back. then a series of directions through the bushes lead me to 5-10 from the goal. He said look around the tree there was an island of trees and bushes. i went 1 time around but didn't see it. so I stopped and said where?

He said look down.

I was a lot closer when I first saw it.

like I would of never found this on my own
do you see it?

there it is!

and there the basket. but unlucky for me there is this tree/bush island in front of it.this is the side shot.

the rest of the day went well most of the rest of my throws went further then i thought i could get it. with a few shots that were amazing hitting the basket chains from far..but NOBODY saw them..further why i wish i had a go pro... lol

anyways thanks for reading. hope you have a blessed day!


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